say what?
Kari & I have what's called a "blended family" with 6 kids between us. At some point in time, each and every one of them asks the dreaded question. "Have you smoked pot?" What flashes through your mind over the milliseconds that follow, ranges from complete stone face denial... to a bad impression of Elmer Fudd... abbada-abbada umm.
I can't remember the last time I smoked pot. That may be because I smoked enough to
destroy any semblance of a long term memory. Does admission of the deed condone the use to your children? And if so, is it any more (or less) of an event as their first drink?
My wife has never smoked anything.... ever. To her, my voiced opinion that underage drinking is the same as underage pot smoking is met with furrowed brow. I think both should be avoided until there's some evidence present within a brain that they can make an intelligent decision. Teenagers in general fall into the category of questionable decision making... along with most adults (+ something I'm still struggling with).
The one straggler still at home recently insisted on asking some pointed questions on this matter. "It'll effect your long term memory", I say. "You don't want to turn out like me do ya...?" By the time I get downstairs, I've forgotten what I went for.... surely it was the (effects of) pot.
Where else to turn for unbiased information, but the Internet? OK, so google "marijuana memory loss"..... this looks interesting " Could Marijuana Substance Help Prevent Or Delay Memory Impairment In The Aging Brain? ".Huh? Not what I expected. What's my excuse now?
"Why isn't it legal like beer and wine?" she asks. "I heard that California is going to pay off all their debt by legalizing pot and taxing it."
"I dunno" I say. A little investigation turns up a home grown (no pun intended) documentary, The Union. It proved to be informative viewing for the whole family and answers all the questions, like why isn't it legal.