Friday, April 23, 2010

A Little Nest Egg

Straw Bale Update: Plastering continues for the extended future. The second or "brown coat" is well under way for the interior. The window returns are looking great. Working my way counter-clockwise around the house, I'm now plastering in the living-room... the most visible room in the house..... so I'm hoping the plaster learning curve is complete.

The Humanure Compost has been sub-let to a master builder in her own right. This is a high-rise nest by any standard. She took advantage of the abundant hay resource directly below the nest. I can just squeeze the camera into the space between the roof and the nest.... and she has been a busy bird.

Mikki arrived, has made himself at home and is ruling the ranch, so to speak. He has turned out to be as friendly as the breeder claimed and is happy to follow you around the paddock whilst you scoop the poop. (he has also perfected the full barrow flip by grasping one handle and lifting) He has been ridden lightly so far and it's obvious that he loves to work. Kari has been kept very busy with the riding and feeding schedule... I think it's love.
You may notice that the rants are few and far between lately.... yes, I've been busy. I Checked the news today to see that Mr. Spock as endorsed Captain Kirk for the position of Canada's Governor General and Barack wants to land on an asteroid... I can't begin to compete with that.
On a sad note, our Auzzie Shepperd, Sienna died last week. She was a lovely dog and my work buddy for the last few years. The only dog I've known to have a sense of humour.... those that knew her, know what I'm talking about.