Sunday, October 01, 2006

SOLD!!!! to the millionaire from CALGARY

Ocean's Edge is officially sold. Me thinks there is plenty of time for a last hike in Schooner Cove and a glass of red wine by the fire. Congrats guys! Now.... spend, spend, spend!!

The court case was a flipp'in waste of time and a grand out of my jeans only to be told that there was no no reason to be in court.... duh! I did, however, have a nice day with Clay. He has his suite fixed up and I was impressed with how tidy and organized he is. He was taking a couple of days off after being released from the hospital and he's going to be OK. He is trying to set a new record for being admitted to the most hospitals in the lower mainland. Is that 3 or 4 in the last year? I've lost track!
When I arrived he was recuperating at home by cleaning the deck and his workshop, weed-eating, & cutting the grass and then washed his car, all in the matter of an hour. I'm looking forward to having him recuperate here next weekend.

Another week of spectacular weather on Denman Island... coolish in the morning and warming up in the afternoon to 18-19 c or so. There is another week of the same on the way.

Rye Report

Still growing rapidly.... either the deer don't like it or they have headed into the deep woods for the hunting season. (Opening Day... Saturday)

Ashley's birthday is on the 8th.... she'll be with her dad, so we had a mini party with angel food cake and home-made ice cream. Oh ya... home-made ice cream... we'll churn some up this weekend for sure.


Anonymous said...

Acttually the millionaire was from Calgary just as you predicted when we put the house on the market.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and don't forget to change your blogger profile when you are no longer 49.